Genjirou Katsuragi

First appearance: Crows #08

Affiliation: Suzuran 22nd Class, Katsuragi Faction

He is a famous and widely respect Suzuran graduate who now works at a construction company.
On his sophomore days he had a faction with only 6 people but where enough to maintain the power balance between the senior factions Nakaii and Kawaishi, who had 60 and 80 members respectively. He was the one who negotiated the cease fire with Housen after Nakaii's and Bitou Makio's death.
On his senior years he met Rindaman who was a freshman and they became good friends.

During the 25th Class war with T.F.O.A. he helped Yasuo Yasuda escape in his car but got in an accident caused by Iwai Masanari and was hospitalized. Rindaman later avenged him.
He was with Rindaman when Kunou Issei tried to kill him. Katsuragi reveals he had unfinished business with the Kunou brothers but Rindaman didn't let him interefre in the fight. He was the one who teased Suzuran seniors to get into the war against T.F.O.A.

Before entering Suzuran, Katsuragi was invited by Ooshima Eizou to join the Armament, but he declined as he didn't like bikes and said he would look ridiculous in a leather jacket.

He is the cousin of Ishikawa Masao.

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