Furukawa Osamu

First appearance: Crows #21

Affiliation: Kurotaki Alliance, Takiya Commerce

Nickname: Bulldog

Bulldog was going to declare himself to a girl when he saw Harumichi Bouya following her. He was very nervous but after talking to Bouya he got at ease as they both thought she looked like an angel. After getting reject by her, Bouya started crying for Bulldog saying he knew that feeling, they became brothers and best friends after that.
As they were introducing themselves, Bulldog got a challenge by Maruken and Kakuken from Kurosaki Industrial, his rival school. As his usual partner wasn't around Bouya offered himself to help. Bouya knocked out Kakuken in one hit, letting Bulldog and Maruken stunned. Till then they didn't know his identity and were shocked to discover he was Harumichi Bouya, the top from Suzuran.

After the fight Bulldog called Maruken and Kakuken for a meeting, he said that they were blinded fighting each other and didn't see how many strong guys were growing around them, that if they joined forces they would be a match even to Suzuran. And so the Kurotaki Alliance was born.

Their first target would be the Extreme Dragon Syndicate, formed by a Takiya drop out. Bulldog wanted Bouya to help them but after a misunderstanding with Maruken and Kakuken they all had a fight and the alliance broke out.
Bulldog decided to take the Extreme Dragon Syndicate by himself, but it was a plan from Hiromi Kirishima with students from Kurosaki and Takiya to fool their bosses that made them all join forces in the last minute, reforming the alliance once again and destroying the Syndicate.

The Kurotaki later was challenged by an alliance made by the leader from Tsukamoto High, Yagisawa Akira, and the leader from Nanamori Industrial, Hirajima Shingo. They wanted a fight one-on-one and the loser would have to join under the winner. Bulldog fought against Ishii Tsuyoshi and won. After the fight not only Tsukamoto and Nanamori join, but also Kawada 2nd High and Yurikawa South.

The Kurotaki Alliance suddenly grew too much and Bulldog had to name a vice-head, but before he could decide who it was going to be he got in an accident in a rainy night and was hit by a truck. The accident make him lose his left ear hearing.

Bulldog maintained the alliance with his strong spirit, he was widely respected. When Nakajima Shinsuke joined he was planning to take on Bulldog but he was overwhelmed by his presence. Nakajima had a feeling that by the time he actually witnesses how strong Bulldog really was he would have lost already. Bouya also says if Bulldog ever get serious, he doubt he would be able to beat thim. On the other side Bulldog said that people got it wrong when grouped him in the Four Kings of the town, as both Kunou Ryuushin and Bitou Tatsuya also knew that the strongest man in Toarushi was Bouya.

After graduation Bulldog joined his father's company, the Furukawa Ironworks, and he named Shinsuke the new head of the Kurotaki.

Bulldog vs. Nakano - Won (Crows #23)
Bulldog vs. Yamamoto - Won (Crows #24)
Bulldog vs. Ishii Tsuyoshi - Won (Crows #28)
Bulldog vs. King Joe - Won (Crows #82)

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