sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2015


Worst complete!
I now declare this site the best and most complete source of information about the Crows x Worst universe! (476 pages so far)

Several pages updated and 20 new ones up today.

Sadly no one is taking on Crows Zero and looks like Crows Zero II is on hiatus... I think I've saw the raws for the Rindaman, Bouya and Tatsuo gaidens around, but I can't read japanese.... so I guess there won't be updates about those series any time soon...

On the next days I will be updating a shitload of pages and probably adding some more too, proof-reading, correcting infos, adding more, changing/cleaning the images if the ones I picked sucks... but as I said in the beginning: I'm not even sorry for bad english.

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